'What lies beneath' - Gallery at the Guild - Chipping Campden- GL55 6D
Saturday 2nd September 2023
Bridget Steel-Jessop and Wendy Chapman noticed the synchronicity of the work they were showing in the Gallery at the Guild.
Wendy who is an award winning photographer and specializes in the art of the pin hole cameras. She is particularly known for capturing atmosphere of place and has been shortlisted in Landscape photographer of the year and has won or been placed in many regional competitions in both the UK and USA.
This collaboration began with cyanotypes created by Wendy Chapman. The image is made by placing objects on a preprepared light-sensitive surface and then it is exposed to sunlight. Cyanotype printing creates a negative photographic image on a dark blue surface. Inspired by these delicate, botanical pieces. Bridget then layered on her own imagery using simple embroidery stitches, applique, and needle lace Bridget layered, cut, and stitched into the cyanotypes.
This process has created pieces that layer one artists work upon the other but still allowing you to see 'what lies beneath'.

Along side Bridget and Wendy, Hilary LaForce and Louisiana Chapman will also be exhibiting their work.